An angle is determined by a rotation of a ray about its endpoint. The endpoint of the ray is the vertex of the angle. The stating position of the ray is the initial side of the angle, and the position after rotation is the terminal side.
angle is in standard position 角的标准位置
This perception of an angle fits a coordinate system in which the origin
is the vertex and the initial side coincides with the positive x-axis.
Such an angle is in standard position.
Positive and negative angles角的正负
Positive angles are generated by counterclockwise rotation, and
negative angles by clockwise rotation.
Coterminal 终边相同的角
note that angles a and b have the same initial and
terminal sides. Such angles are coterminal.
a 和 b角有相同的初始边和终边,这样特点的角是终边相同的角。
Degree angles角的测量(度数)
A way to measure angles is in terms of degrees, denoted by the symbol °.
A measure of one degree (1°) is equivalent to a rotation of a complete revolution about the vertex.
Radian Measure 角的测量(弧度)
The second way of measure of an angle is determined by the amount of rotation from the initial side to the terminal side,this way to measure angles is in radians. This type of measure is especially useful in calculus.
To define a radian, you can use a central angle of a circle, one whose vertex is the center of the circle.
Definition of Radian
One radian is the measure of a central angle θ that intercepts an arc s equal in length to the radius r of the circle, where θ is measured in radians.
These and other common angles are shown in the figure
Conversions between Degrees and Radians
To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by π180
To convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by 180π
Example 1 Convert from degrees to radians
a. 30° b.-120
30° = 30 x π180 rad = π6
-120°=-120×π180 rad=-2π3
Example 2 Convert from radians to degrees
a. π3 rad b. -5π4 rad
π3 rad = π3 x 180π deg = 60°
-5π4 rad=-5π4×180π deg=-225°